Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part E (2019)
Study on prevalence, demographic and clinical manifestations of lower limb vericose veins
Dr. Athar Mohammad and Dr. Kondal Reddy J
Background: Varicose veins are a common condition that the current paper elaborate the features of the condition in a local Indian population.
Aim & Objective: The main aim of the present study to evaluate the prevalence, demographics and clinical manifestations of lower limb varicose veins patients.
Methodology: We include 80 patients over a two year period all admitted patients to a Princess Esra Hospital, Shahali Banda, Hyderabad and Owasi Hospital and Research Centre, Kanchan Bagh, Hyderabad from period June 2017-June 2019.
Results: In the present study, most of the patients (93.4%) were in the 20-50 years age group. Out of 80 patients, 70 patients were studied in their occupation and continuously involved in working and prolonged standing showed muscular effect. We found that male (91.25%) patients were dominant than the female. The right limb was involved in 18 cases and the left limb in 61 cases. The most common symptom was pain with prominent veins which occurred alone or in combination with oedema, eczema, pigmentation or ulceration.
Conclusion: This study reveals that the disease is more prevalent during the active adult life in their 3rd and 4th decades and males were more affected. The occupations needing prolonged standing and use of violent muscular efforts is found to be a contributing or precipitating factor for varicose veins. The commonest symptoms in the study were prominent swellings in the lower limb and pain. Definite relationship exists between occupation involving prolonged standing and primary varicose veins. The involvement of long saphenous and communicating system is commonest followed by long saphenous involvement alone.
Pages: 272-274 | 3555 Views 1851 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Athar Mohammad and Dr. Kondal Reddy J. Study on prevalence, demographic and clinical manifestations of lower limb vericose veins. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2019;3(4):272-274. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2019.v3.i4e.253