Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part E (2019)
A study on complications, surgical management and its outcome with varicose veins in lower limbs
Dr. Athar Mohammad and Dr. Atif Abdul Samee
Background: Varicose veins are a common clinical condition affecting the lower limbs. Usually patient comes for a cosmetic problem; it can cause complications giving rise to significant morbidity if not treated in time. Different options are available for surgical management.
Aim & Objective: The present study mainly investigates the complications, surgical management and its outcome with varicose veins in lower limbs.
Methodology: We include 80 patients over a two year period all admitted patients to a Princess Esra Hospital, Shahali Banda, Hyderabad and Owasi Hospital and Research Centre, Kanchan Bagh, Hyderabad from period June 2017-June 2019.
Results: In the present study showed long saphenous system involvement in 72.5% of cases. Majority of patients in the present series were patients of CEAP class 2 and 3 class. Almost 73.75 % had combined saphenofemoral and perforator incompetence. In the present study, underwent duplex USG evaluation for confirmation of diagnosis. This investigation was required to accurately diagnose 18 cases of saphenofemoral incompetence, 10 cases of saphenopopliteal incompetence and 12 cases of perforator incompetence. Most of the patients had wound infections followed by hematoma and residual varicosity.
Conclusion: From this study we conclude that commonest age group affected is 21-40 years. The involvement of long saphenous and communicating system is commonest followed by long saphenous involvement alone. Pain is the commonest symptom. Patients with involvement of longsaphenous and communicating system or long saphenous and short saphenous involvement were more symptomatic than the others. Commonest complication in post-operative treatment is wound infection. Complications of varicose veins responded well to operative treatment.
Pages: 275-278 | 2636 Views 999 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Athar Mohammad and Dr. Atif Abdul Samee. A study on complications, surgical management and its outcome with varicose veins in lower limbs. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2019;3(4):275-278. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2019.v3.i4e.254