Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part C (2020)
A clinicopathological study of scrotal swellings in adults
Dr. Manish Kumar Mahala, Dr. Sunita Malviya, Dr. Ajay Malviya, Dr. Govind Sharma and Dr. Rishabh Bhargava
Scrotal swelling is one of the common problem in all age groups and are commonly encountered in surgical outdoor. In our study 100 patients were included who presented with scrotal swelling in surgical outdoor.Factors such as age, presenting complaint, laterality were analysed, a definite diagnosis was made on the basis of USG and histology. Collected data was then analysed and compared to previous studies. In this study hydrocele forms the most common cause of scrotal swelling consisting of 33%.Next common cause was epididymoorchitis (31%).Other causes include 12% cases of varicocele,6% cases each of epididymal cyst and scrotal abscess, 5% cases of testicular tumour, 3% cases of sebaceous cyst and testicular torsion each and only 1% of spermatocele.
Pages: 151-153 | 2214 Views 1196 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Manish Kumar Mahala, Dr. Sunita Malviya, Dr. Ajay Malviya, Dr. Govind Sharma and Dr. Rishabh Bhargava. A clinicopathological study of scrotal swellings in adults. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2020;4(3):151-153. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2020.v4.i3c.483