Abstract: Pancreatic pseudocysts are common complications of both acute and chonic pancreatitis. They frequently get complicated when large in size and persistent beyond 6 weeks. Varicoceles are chronic conditions, occurring more frequently on the left side due to obvious anatomical reasons. Rarely varicoceles occur secondary to renal and retroperitoneal masses. Here we are reporting an unusual case of left sided acute varicocele occurring in a young adult, an alcoholic, secondary to pancreatic pseudocyst. Varicocele resolved completely in the immediate postoperative period following laparoscopic cysto-gastrostomy.
BJ Sharath Chandra, Pankaja SS, Sajan Sehgal, Thulasi Vasudevaiah. An unusual case of acute left sided secondary varicocele caused by pseudocyst of pancreas. Int J Surg Sci 2020;4(3):274-276. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2020.v4.i3e.506