Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part D (2020)
Effectiveness of single application alcohol based antiseptic solution in preventing surgical site infection
Dr. Ashok Gopinath, Karthick MP, Aswathy Harikumar and Anandaraj A
Background: Surgical site infections are the most commonly encountered problem in all surgical procedure. The main aim of the study is finding out the effectiveness of single application alcohol based antiseptic solution during preoperative preparation to reduce the surgical site infections.
Materials and Methods: It is a prospective study of patients who underwent major and minor procedure in the duration of August 2019 - December 2019. The primary outcome of the study was evaluated on the basis of type of procedure, days of hospital stay, postoperative complications like seroma and pus discharge.
Results: Out of two hundred patients included in this study, 100 patients underwent minor procedure and the other 100 underwent major procedure. Age distribution for minor cases less than 25 is 3, 26-50 is 42 and 51-75 is 103 with mean ± SD is 50.41± 14.25 and for major cases less than 25 is 1, 26-50 is 51, 51-75 is 48 with mean ± SD is 50.87± 13.59. Sex distribution of minor cases male - 48 & female -52, major cases with distribution of male -45 and female -55. Hospitalisation of all minor cases are less than 1 day with mean value of 1 and major cases less than 1 day are 4, 2-3 days are 86 and more than 3 days are 10 with mean value of 2.3. Each patient was carefully monitored for the period of 30 days from the day of surgery and the complications, if any was treated accordingly. Out of 100 minor cases, seroma formation was noted in 3 patients and pus discharge in 4 patients. Collections were evacuated thorough wound wash and saline dressing were done (no antibiotics were given for these cases both preoperative as well as postoperative period).Whereas, Out of 100 major cases (single dose of preoperative antibiotics are given) seroma formation were noted in 7 patients, seroma collections were evacuated, thorough wound wash and saline dressing were done (no antibiotics were given for these cases), Pus discharge was found in 7 patients, among them 4 were treated with I V Antibiotics for 5 days according to pus culture and sensitivity report.
Conclusion: The 200 patients who underwent procedure with single application of alcohol based antiseptic solution (2% chlorhexidine) for pre-operative preparation, was found to be effective against surgical site infections.
Pages: 226-230 | 1717 Views 848 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Ashok Gopinath, Karthick MP, Aswathy Harikumar and Anandaraj A. Effectiveness of single application alcohol based antiseptic solution in preventing surgical site infection. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2020;4(4):226-230. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2020.v4.i4d.563