Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part D (2020)
Efficacy of topical silver preparations for treating non- healing ulcers versus conventional dressing
Dr. Somanath and Dr. Ashwini BG
During the past three decades considerable knowledge has been gained regarding the patho-physiology and management of chronic leg ulcers. Despite all these, the management of chronic leg ulcers is still a fertile field for experimentation. Various studies have been conducted and a number of procedures and techniques have evolved with varying degrees of success. The study was estimated to include 50 patients who present with non-healing ulcers at hospital with purposive sampling technique. In group 1, 56% of patients were having slough on Day 0 and on Day 10 it was decreased to 24 %. That is, 32% decrease in slough. In Group1, 52% of patients were having serous discharge and it has been increased to 88 % on day 10. In group 2, 68% of people having slough on Day 0 and it was decreased to 52 % on day 10, that is 16% decrease in slough noted on day 10. In group 2, 44% of people were having serous discharge on Day 0 and it has been increased to 56% on day 10. That is 12 % increase in serous discharge over 10 days.
Pages: 231-233 | 1164 Views 402 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Somanath and Dr. Ashwini BG. Efficacy of topical silver preparations for treating non- healing ulcers versus conventional dressing. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2020;4(4):231-233. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2020.v4.i4d.564