Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part E (2020)
A clinical study of patients with acute pancreatitis in North Indian teaching hospital
Dr. Akash Dua, Dr. Manoj Aggarwal and Dr. PN Aggarwal
Background: Despite the availability of clinical practice guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis, recent studies auditing the clinical management of the condition have shown important areas of noncompliance with evidence-based recommendations. This underscores the importance of creating understandable and implementable recommendations for the diagnosis and management of acute pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis is a significant health problem which leads to a quarter of million hospital admissions in USA per year.
Aims and Objectives: To Study of Patients with Acute Pancreatitis in North Indian Teaching Hospital.
Subjects and Methods: Acute pancreatitis can range from a mild, self-limiting disease that requires no more than supportive measures to severe disease with life-threatening complications. After approval from ethical institutional committee a cross-sectional study was carried out at the Department of Surgery in the patients diagnosed as Pancreatitis during one year period i.e. June 2016 to May 2017. During one year period there were 78 patients enrolled into the study. Al details of the patients like age, sex, clinical features, etiological features, Outcome like Improved, DAMA (Discharge against Medical Advise) and Death and associated factors were studied in details. The data was presented in percentages and presented in the tabular form.
Result: Therefore present study is stating that the majority of the patients were in the age group of 40- 50 were 40.0%, followed by 30-40 were 31.25%, 50-60 were 11.25%, >60 were 10.0%, 20-30 were 7.5%. The majority of the patients were Female i.e. 62.50%, and Male were 37.50%. The most common clinical presentation was Pain in abdomen i.e. 90%, followed by Fever 83%, Vomitting-78%, Jaundice 62%, Septicemia Shock in 32%. The most common etiology fond was Biliary in 52.78%, Alcoholism in 19.44%, Hyperlipidemia in 16.67%, idiopathic in 6.94%, traumatic in 4.17%. 85% Patients Improved, 5% patients discharged by Discharge against medical advice (DAMA) and Death occurred in 10% of the individuals; these patients were associated with old age, co- morbid conditions like Diabetes, Heart disease, Obesity etc.
Conclusion: It can be concluded from our study that the most common clinical presentation was Pain in abdomen, followed by Fever, Vomiting, Jaundice, Septicemic Shock. The most common etiology fond was Biliary followed by Alcoholism, Hyperlipidemia, Idiopathic Traumatic, etc. In outcome majority of the Patients Improved Death occurred in 10% of the individuals; these patients were associated with old age comorbid conditions like Diabetes, Heart disease, Obesity etc.
Pages: 295-298 | 1377 Views 605 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Akash Dua, Dr. Manoj Aggarwal and Dr. PN Aggarwal. A clinical study of patients with acute pancreatitis in North Indian teaching hospital. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2020;4(4):295-298. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2020.v4.i4e.576