Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part F (2021)
A study on chemical cauterisation for small tympanic membrane perforation
Dr. M Erin Jino, Dr. Chethan Kumar, Dr. Kingsly, Dr. Gopa Kumar, Dr. Anu Jacob and Dr. Kiren
To study the effectiveness of chemical cautery with patching on chronic tympanic membrane perforations of the pars tensa. Thirty-eight patients with dry tympanic membrane perforations due to inflammatory or traumatic etiology were selected after treating the primary etiological factors like septal deviation and allergic rhinitis. Fifty percentage silver nitrate was used to cauterize the margin and the perforation was covered with thin sterile aluminium foil as a patch. A maximum number of five applications were made, and the patients were followed up for the next 5 years. In this series of 38 patients, highest success was noted among those patients with traumatic perforation, while larger perforations were reduced to small pinhole sizes which were successfully closed by myringoplasty. An overall success rate of 73.75% was achieved. This is a time tested useful method which was popularized by Derlacki (1953), to close small to moderate sized tympanic membrane perforation and should be considered as a first line management in the treatment of tympanic membrane perforation prior to any surgical intervention. Apart from being a simple and economical mode of treatment, it is associated with minimal complications. Though various materials have been used to modify this technique, the principle remains the same and the results obtained in this study is comparable with the previous ones.
Pages: 343-346 | 1409 Views 602 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. M Erin Jino, Dr. Chethan Kumar, Dr. Kingsly, Dr. Gopa Kumar, Dr. Anu Jacob and Dr. Kiren. A study on chemical cauterisation for small tympanic membrane perforation. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2021;5(1):343-346. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2021.v5.i1f.634