Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part B (2022)

Prevalence study of breast cancer in female’s age 20y to 30y (below 40) with female patients aged above 40 years


Dr. Najdat Younis Abdullah

This study is to assess the prevalence of breast cancer in patients below 40 years of age (20y and 30 ) as comparing with patients above age of 40. The most frequent malignancy among women is breast cancer, and increase incidence of breast cancer in women aged between 20y-30y have been in the last few years. Increase incidence can be explained partly due to early detection of cancer in young age group but other risk factors cannot be ruled out. This study includes the histopathology of the tumor in the two above groups, behavior of the tumor, metastasis to other sites, survival rates and risk factors. This study is to prove the increased number of breast cancer below age of 40 years and type of cancer behavior that is the tumor is more aggressive invasive with early metastasis and poor Survival rate. One hundred cases of breast cancer were collected in Nineveh city between 2018-2020. Twelve patients out of 100 patients women aged between 22-39 years and 88 patients’ aged between 40-79 years old, all 100 patients diagnosed for the first time during examination by screening tools (ultrasound, mammography and MRI if needed), proved by histopathology, all of them underwent mastectomy except one female patient aged 22 years beyond surgical treatment.

Pages: 87-90  |  1090 Views  488 Downloads

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How to cite this article:
Dr. Najdat Younis Abdullah. Prevalence study of breast cancer in female’s age 20y to 30y (below 40) with female patients aged above 40 years. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2022;6(1):87-90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2022.v6.i1b.826