Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part A (2022)
Analysis of causes of cervical lymphadenopathy using fine needle aspiration cytology and excision biopsy at tertiary hospital in India
Dr. Sasi Kanth Uddagiri and Dr. Thatha Rao V
Introduction: The presentation of cervical lymphadenopathy is common, but its diagnosis is sometimes difficult. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is a simple, inexpensive, rapid investigative procedure to confirm clinical diagnosis with minimal trauma and low complication rate.
Aim: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC and to correlate diagnosis with FNAC and subsequent histopathological examination of excised biopsy specimens.
Materials and Methods: The study was done from data collected from 2013 to 2015. Total 100 Patients with cervical lymphadenopathy were clinically evaluated and FNAC, excision biopsy were done and analysed.
Results: FNAC is most sensitive in diagnosing secondary deposits in neck nodes with sensitivity of 88.9%. FNAC is least sensitive in diagnosing lymphomas with sensitivity of 78.6%.FNAC is 100% specific in diagnosing Tubercular lymphadenitis, Lymphomas and secondary deposits in neck nodes. FNAC is 96% specific in diagnosing chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis and 94% specific in diagnosing Reactive changes in cervical lymph node. Overall average sensitivity and specificity of FNAC of cervical lymphadenitis is 65% and 98% respectively.
Conclusion: FNAC is a very useful diagnostic tool in patients having significant lymphadenopathy. The metastatic carcinomas, especially squamous cell carcinoma and tuberculous lymphadenopathy can be diagnosed by FNAC with a high degree of accuracy. There is significant limitation in the diagnosis of low grade Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma from reactive hyperplasia.
Pages: 06-09 | 987 Views 416 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Sasi Kanth Uddagiri and Dr. Thatha Rao V. Analysis of causes of cervical lymphadenopathy using fine needle aspiration cytology and excision biopsy at tertiary hospital in India. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2022;6(2):06-09. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2022.v6.i2a.874