Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part B (2023)
The clinical study and management of operated cases of acute intestinal obstruction in adults
Dr. Zarkar Aniket Nandkumar and Dr. MY Bapaye
Introduction: Bowel obstruction remains one of the most common intra-abdominal problems faced by general surgeons in their practice. Intestinal obstruction of either the small or large bowel continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality1. These patients account for 12% to 16% of surgical admissions for acute abdominal complaints. It is caused by hernia, neoplasm, tuberculosis, adhesions, intussusception or volvulus. Manifestations of acute intestinal obstruction can range from only slight abdominal discomfort and distension to a state of hypovolemic or septic shock (or both) requiring an emergency operation. The death due to acute intestinal obstruction is decreasing with better understanding of pathophysiology, improvement in diagnostic techniques, fluid and electrolyte correction, anti-microbials and knowledge of intensive care.
The present study title: “The clinical study and management of operated cases of acute intestinal obstruction in adultsâ€.
Material and Methods: In present study, Data collected on 50 sample included male and female patients of an adult age group (12 to 85 years) from rural and urban areas. Patients admitted with acute intestinal obstruction in which surgical intervention was done during study period were selected randomly. Nature of study is prospective. Data analysis was done mainly using descriptive statistics.
Result: Maximum age incidence was in age group of 31 to 40 (years) and 51 to 60 (years). Male to female sex incidence was in the ratio of 4:1. Most common symptoms were pain in abdomen (88%) and vomiting (78%).Most common signs were tachycardia (80%) and visible intestinal peristalsis (60%). Most common cause of intestinal obstruction was postoperative adhesions. Most common surgical procedures performed were adhesiolysis (40%), resection and anastomosis (22%). Mortality was 14%. Majority deaths were due to complication like septicemia and late presentation (> 5days).
Conclusion: Acute intestinal obstruction remains common surgical emergency. Success in the treatment of acute intestinal obstruction depends on early diagnosis, skillful management, treating the pathological effects of the obstruction and the cause itself. Erect abdominal X-ray is the most valuable investigation in the diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. Postoperative adhesions is the common cause of intestinal obstruction. Clinical, radiological and operative findings put together can diagnose the intestinal obstruction. Mortality in acute intestinal obstruction depends on the time of presentation, general condition of the patient at the time of admission and the nature of operative procedure.
Pages: 99-102 | 570 Views 243 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Zarkar Aniket Nandkumar and Dr. MY Bapaye. The clinical study and management of operated cases of acute intestinal obstruction in adults. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2023;7(1):99-102. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2023.v7.i1b.998