Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part A (2023)

Case study of clinical profiles of renal and perirenal infections


Dr. Ritvik Jaykar, Dr. Sachin Jadhav, Dr. Shalaka Rudrakshi, Dr. Prajakta Kamat and Dr. Nitin N Nalatwadamath

1.To study incidence and prevalence of renal and perirenal infections.
2.To study etiological factors, clinical data for occurrence and complications of renal and perirenal infections.
3.To find out various systematic methods to decrease morbidity and mortality.
Materials and Methodology: This is a prospective observational study in our tertiary care hospital .Total 60 patients were investigated for routine laboratory investigation and radiological investigations. Patient if indicated was operated with suitable open surgical or laparoscopy surgery and followed up for immediate and late post-operative complication 
Most common clinical presentation was 33.3% costovertebral tenderness.
On final diagnosis, 46.7% had renal abscess, 36.7% had perirenal abscess, 6.7% had Emphysematous pyelonephritis, 6.7% had renal Tb, and 3.3% had Xanthomatous Pyelonephritis
Majority of cases 26.7% were managed by percutaneous pigtail, 18.3% had Open surgical Drainage, 16.7% had DJ stenting, 15% had PCNL, 10% had Percutaneous Nephrostomy, 6.7% had Partial Nephrectomy, 5% had Cystourethroscopy and 1.7% had Cystourethroscopy with DJ stenting
Conclusion: Renal and perirenal infections are very common now a days. Perirenal abscess go undiagnosed in prior stage. Later it comes with irreversible changes and complications. Most common predisposing factor found was diabetes and calculi. Most common microorganism causing the disease was E coli. Thus, this finding will help clinicians to decide the management and decrease further complications.

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How to cite this article:
Dr. Ritvik Jaykar, Dr. Sachin Jadhav, Dr. Shalaka Rudrakshi, Dr. Prajakta Kamat and Dr. Nitin N Nalatwadamath. Case study of clinical profiles of renal and perirenal infections. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2023;7(2):20-26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2023.v7.i2a.991