Vol. 7, Issue 4, Part A (2023)
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy vs laparoscopic single anastemosis sleeve ileal bypass in control of triglyceridemia in obese patients
Ahmed Raafat Saad Abdeen, Samir Ahmed Abd El Majeed and Abd El Rahman M Galal
Background: An independent risk factor for atherosclerotic heart disease is hypertriglyceridemia (HTG). Acute pancreatitis is also a danger for people with serum triglyceride (TG) levels >1000 mg/dL. The most successful weight loss treatment now available has been proven to be bariatric surgery. The aim of this work was to compare between laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) versus laparoscopic Single anastomosis Sleeve Ileal bypass in control of HTG in obese patients.
Methods: Fifty-two individuals, aged 18 to 65, of both sexes, with a BMI of 30 to 55 kg/m2, T2D, a history of prior unsuccessful weight loss attempts, and strong surgical motivation were included in this prospective study. Type 1 diabetics, those above the age of 15, people with BMIs under 30, people over 55, those who had previously undergone gastric or obesity surgery, and women who were pregnant were all excluded from the study. The included patients were split into two groups: obese patients in group I (N=26) had LSG, while obese patients in group II (N=26) got laparoscopic gastric bypass.
Results: The mean cholesterol after 3 months was 156.92±14.90 and 163.08±16.31 between bypass and LSG respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the bypass and LSG. The cholesterol level after 3 months all participants were desirable in bypass, was 96.15% desirable in LSG and 3.85% non-desirable bypass in LSG. The mean triglyceride after 3 months was 129.23±13.47 and 144.62±14.21 between bypass and LSG respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the bypass and LSG. Triglyceride level after 3 months was desirable in 92.31% bypass and 57.69% LSG and nor desirable in 7.69% bypass and 42.31% LSG between bypass and LSG. There was a statistically significant difference between the bypass and LSG.
Conclusions: Gastric bypass was associated produce more favorable outcomes compared LSG in diabetes obese patients. This is observed in more weight loss after 1-year, better lipid profile after 3 months.
Pages: 35-40 | 620 Views 255 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Ahmed Raafat Saad Abdeen, Samir Ahmed Abd El Majeed and Abd El Rahman M Galal. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy vs laparoscopic single anastemosis sleeve ileal bypass in control of triglyceridemia in obese patients. Int. J. Surg. Sci. 2023;7(4):35-40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2023.v7.i4a.1027