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International Journal of Surgery Science
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Vol. 8, Issue 1, Part A (2024)

A comparative study of inguinal hernia repair by open versus laparoscopic technique in Paediatric age group

Author(s): Dr. Khushboo Sachdeva, Dr. Madhubala Gaur, Dr. Tripti Mahatme, Dr. Bhaskar Kumar and Dr. Vishal Agrawal
Background: Herniotomy, often known as open surgery, has traditionally been the established method for treating inguinal hernias in children. The enhancement of paediatric Laparoscopic hernia repair and the accumulation of expertise in Laparoscopic technique have become crucial proficiencies. The adoption of laparoscopic repair for inguinal hernias in children is characterized by its rapidity, cost-effectiveness, esthetic benefits, minimal invasiveness, high feasibility, and reduced discomfort levels. This approach enables the diagnosis and correction of contralateral hernias in the same setting.
Aims and Objectives: Our study aimed to compare the outcomes of inguinal hernia repair in two study groups: open hernia repair and laparoscopic hernia repair.
Materials and Methods: The ongoing prospective study was conducted in the Department of General Surgery, G S medical college and hospital Hapur, involving a total of 85 children. During a prospective research conducted of 85 children received either laparoscopic surgery (35) or open surgery (34) for the treatment of primary inguinal hernia (PIH). The study recorded and compared the duration of the operation, complications during and after the surgery, postoperative pain, length of stay after the surgery, cosmetic outcomes, and the size of the testis to identify any changes in outcomes. The patients were monitored for a mean duration of 3.5 months.
Conclusion: The study's data indicated that the Laparoscopic approach has several advantages, including less postoperative discomfort, the ability to diagnose and manage CPPV in one procedure, a quicker return to normal activities, improved cosmetic outcomes, cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and reduced pain.
Pages: 22-26  |  167 Views  72 Downloads

International Journal of Surgery Science
How to cite this article:
Dr. Khushboo Sachdeva, Dr. Madhubala Gaur, Dr. Tripti Mahatme, Dr. Bhaskar Kumar, Dr. Vishal Agrawal. A comparative study of inguinal hernia repair by open versus laparoscopic technique in Paediatric age group. Int J Surg Sci 2024;8(1):22-26. DOI:
International Journal of Surgery Science
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